use we in academic writing
In my country, we don't use we as the subject who have done the research. Of course, we have finished the research but we still do not use we in our report. Sometimes I use the passive voice to report our research. I use ai to help me to improve my academic writing. It suggest me to use we. I do not have many choice. Of course my native language is very different to English language. I have to write as the English Grammar. I cannot write as my mind think or my logical in our languages. Certainly, I still learn to write about English. I have studied in writing and I feel difficult but with some ai website I have some light from it. I have try hard. Actually, I prefer to write in my mother language but some academic journal from my country also ask English language. They have to develop the English because they want to go International. Off course, my English language is not good but I also try to improve it and with some help from AI. Jakarta 27 Agustus 2023